VASS Tutoring

Structured Tutoring For Success

At VASS Tutoring, we take a step by step approach to our lessons. It begins with a deep understanding of the student. Following lessons are then arranged around their unique needs, with the option of additional homework as required.

The First Lesson

Start With Understanding

Lessons at Vass Tutoring are carefully structured to ensure a productive and comfortable learning environment for both the student and the tutor. The initial session typically begins with an informal conversation so that the tutor and student can get to know each other.

This discussion is a great time for the tutor to gain an overall understanding of the student, their school, their likes and dislikes, hobbies, goals and challenges. Following this, the tutor will ask more specific questions, with a purpose of understanding the student’s proficiency in the subject at hand.

This might include having the student outline how their teacher runs classes at school, what the student enjoys about the subject, as well as areas they may be struggling in, and also discussion of past assessment results.

Informed Goals

Setting Expectations & Goals

The tutor then has a chance to explain how sessions are run, ensuring the learning will be enjoyable yet effective. The tutor will then progress to setting a short task, usually based on work that has been covered previously at school, to gauge whether there are any foundational problems.

By the conclusion of the initial tutoring session, the tutor will be able to pinpoint specific areas that require improvement and will be able to put forward a tailored plan to assist the student on an ongoing basis to reach their goals, increase their confidence, decrease stress and gain a deeper understanding of the subject. 


Ongoing Lessons

Committed to Progress

Unlike the introductory session that primarily serves to identify a student’s strengths and developing areas, ongoing sessions focus on cultivating and sustaining academic progress. Our tutors design tailored lesson plans that align with school curriculums and VCE rubrics. They maintain detailed, highly personalised notes for their student, documenting progress, developing strengths and areas of difficulty. These notes inform roadmaps that guide the following lessons to ensure maximum improvement.

Our tutors also engage in regular discussions with the Head Tutor, ensuring accountability and progress. Tutors will inform the Head Tutor of how their students are travelling, how their school marks are changing, and identifying or raising concern about ongoing vital spots that a student may struggle with. These meetings serve as a collaborative effort in brainstorming and planning, ensuring each and every student receives the utmost attention and support.


Homework & Follow Up

Going The Extra Mile

Our tutors take great care in following a student’s school assigned homework. This commitment allows our tutors to go the extra mile, by ensuring that unfinished classwork and school assigned homework are completed to the best of a student’s ability.

This creates an understanding of accountability and guarantees that students are not only focusing on highly specific areas identified by our tutors. Creating a routine for out of class assignments is a vital step in ensuring well-rounded academic progress and excellence.

Should a parent, teacher, or student think it necessary, our tutors offer the option for additional homework assignments. If any party believes that a student needs further reinforcement in a specific skill or for general discipline in a practicing routine, our tutors are more than equipped to set inclusive homework.


Book a Tutor Today !

We’d love to assist with your child’s education. If you’d like to schedule a tutoring session or have any questions, please contact us.
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